The reason for my recent update in techological partners is my promotion to Editor-in-Chief of Spectrum Literary Magazine. I've been updating the website, creating a new look for a new year and reading the Anthology of Contemporary American Fiction to prepare. I've also been recruiting people to work on staff that I know will help improve the quality of the publication. In addition, professors will be using their contacts to ellicit some pieces from swankier writers in order to publicize the existence of our magazine more fully.
I'm really very excited about assuming my post as Editor-in-Chief. I'm also excited about taking less classes to make more time for Spectrum and other work-study activities I will be involved in this year. Less classes means more time to spend with my favorite roomie, Martian McMartian and doing things I probably should have done more in my time at UCSB. Because of all the extra time I will have to waste, I am going to make a list of all the things I will take the time to do this year:
- Go to the beach at least once a week.
- Have a drink at least once a week.
- Attend at least one club soccer practice a week, if not both.
- Watch TV at least once a week.
- Cook something other than cheesy chicken pesto pasta at least once a week. No, fuck that, once a month.
- Take naps.
- Learn to make some good quality drinks.
- Have friends over for dinner.
- Curl my hair, and try different hairstyles in general.
- Participate in Halloween.
- Host a party.
- Eat at every restaurant in IV.
- Go for walks at night on campus and in IV.
- Go to the beach at night.
- Use the gym more than last year. Especially if the new pool is done.
- Write every day.