May 1, 2009

Week #5

Barry joined us today to offer up some wisdom and insights into the world of publishing. A published author several novels and a great many literary magazines over, he definitely has a wealth of knowledge and we got to pick his brain for an hour.

Some things that came up were:
  • using Post-Its as cover letters with a quick note such as "Dear Editors, Hope you have time to look over some of my stuff, Signed" to show, in effect, you've done this before
  • keeping track of submissions using hard copies which enables several drafts of the same piece to be kept on file even after the computer file has been revised
  • agents being necessary to get book contracts but otherwise generally obsolete people in most other types of publishing (especially the kind we are doing, sending our stuff out ourselves to smaller names)
  • not hoarding your "best piece" hoping it will be published in The New Yorker because you will write better things as time goes by so don't get too attached. The publishing process is about letting this child of sorts out into the world and you have to have faith. You can always make another baby whenever you want something to dote on
  • you are your most efficient marketer, publisher, etc.
  • Barry's blog, Poetry Matters
  • using numerous rejections of the same piece as hints that the piece may need more work
  • the convenience of email/electronic submission and its pros and cons (pro=easy, fast; con=so easy more people are submitting which ups the competition)
It was a day filled with fruit baskets of knowledge!

Barry also shared with us some other resources for writers seeking places for publication in addition to the ones on Poets&

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