March 27, 2009

Why do you feel like you do right now?

Right now, I feel weird. Why? I don't really know. If I did, I probably wouldn't feel weird because I'd be able to fix whatever was bugging me.
It might be the fact that I did a cycling class at the gym this morning after a week and some of no exercise and I'm just tired.
It might be the fact that I'm driving back to school tomorrow and traveling makes me nervous. It doesn't matter if it's a boat, a car, a plane, a train, or a golf cart. Something about traveling long distances makes me nervous.
Mostly I'm afraid that this will be the last trip I ever make because I'll get in an accident and die. Everyone tells me this is a stupid thing to worry about because trains rarely ever crash, a boat is safe because even if it sinks I can swim, I am more likely to be killed by a rogue pig than in a plane crash and as long as I drive defensively, I decrease my risk of an accident by at least a third. Plus, spending an entire life worrying about when I will die is not really living therefore death would sort of be irrelevant.
These facts lead me to believe that there's something else fueling my fear of travel, and this may seem like a basic psychoanalytical conclusion, but it is probably change. Change of any kind makes me anxious. I just hate going back and forth between steady places, from one home to another even.
Despite being able to recognize the probable sources of my anxiety, I still can't completely ignore my worries because in my experience, the things you worry about never happen when you think they will. Things in general happen when you lease expect, so if I worry about dying in a car accident, the chances of it happening are greatly reduced.
Although, this leads me in a circle because then I start to think that because I'm assuming that worrying will prevent these things from happening, they will happen just to spite me.
So the reason why I feel weird tonight is not because I ate five helpings of Hot Pot tonight and topped it off with two brownies slobbered in vanilla ice cream and doused with whipped cream and chocolate sauce, but simply because my mind is running in circles and there is no way to end this vicious cycle except to sleep for awhile and resume worrying when I wake up.

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