April 11, 2009

Colloquium Week #2

Ok well minor snafoo regarding class time began our second session and what sucked about it was that it was totally my bad.

But many good things came out of our second class, including


I spent all day today transferring my blogspot blog to tumblr, trying to make it look exactly like the blogspot one I spent hours making. The only thing I couldn’t get to transfer was the double line border around the header. Boo.

We began submissions today!
I originally estimated that we might be able to send out 10 submissions / half hour but was proved horribly wrong when the average number for the people I polled after class was 1.2 submissions / half hour.

Although this made me look like a fool, my hope for this class is rejuvenated because I was worried that we might run out of things to do and that, apparently, is not the case. This confirms that my original idea for this colloquium was correct:

You need a set-aside time to submit your work.


Because it takes fucking forever!

I submitted to the Bellevue Literary Review and Brink Magazine a short story and some poems, so : progress =)

Jordan played some really cool music to keep the silence out of the room while we toiled away on submissions and that turned out to be a good mood-maker.

I have yet to decide which blog I will keep, this one or my blogspot. I miss the second border inside the header, but perhaps I will get over it.

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