April 17, 2009

Week #3

We are making headway!
Talked about the following:
  1. Format of documents
  2. Cover letters
  3. Bios
  4. SASEs
  5. Misc. (file names, email subjects, page #s, etc.)
  6. Blog addresses
  7. Picking publications
We have made some discoveries already:
  1. Every publisher has a certain way they want submissions formatted (inc. file names, email subjects, page #s, etc.)
  2. Big-name publishers often want you to cough up 2 or 3 bucks to have your stuff edited
  3. Desmond is addicted to Facebook
  4. It takes roughly 4 stamps to send a 10+ pg. manuscript in a large envelope
  5. Submitting work is a lot of work
No rejection slips as of yet, nor any acceptances either, so we wait.

Next week, we are moving on to agents and will try to get more submissions out.
Everyone has been challenged to send at least one by snail mail in order to replete my wallet of the 100 stamps + 150 large envelopes + 500 small envelopes that I bought at Costco specifically for this purpose.

I sent away two submissions today.

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