April 24, 2009

Show and Tell

Today was Show and Tell at school. Krista, Aimee and Laurie all brought in their My Little Pony Dolls and Mrs. Clasen let them go up together and talk about their My Little Ponies. Krista’s is blue with yellow hair and a sun on its butt. Aimee’s is purple with green hair and a clover. But Laurie! Do you know which one Laurie has? She has the best one of all. It’s pink. And it has rainbow hair. And a rainbow on its butt. I want the one with the rainbow on its butt. I’ve asked for it for my birthday and Christmas and Easter. I even showed Mom the commercial on TV. It came on and I grabbed her hand and I dragged her over and I said Mom, Mom, Mom, look. That’s the one I want. But did I get it? No, so I couldn’t go up with Krista, Aimee and Laurie even though I play with their My Little Ponies all the time. Mom, I need a My Little Pony I said when she picked me up from school. You don’t need any more toys, Becky. No, Mom, I need one. Why’s that? Because today Krista and Laurie and Aimee all brought their My Little Ponies in for Show and Tell and all I brought was my stupid stuffed dog. But you’ve had that since you were born. I’m not born anymore, Mom. I’m in the third grade and I need a My Little Pony. Well, we’ll see.
That’s what Mom always says when she knows I’ll cry if she says, No.

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